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REVISION NOTES BY Shakin Bill Shakespeare

Forsooth it is without doubt a considerable and moving honour to make your acquaintance thou fledgling scholars of the Bard (ME!) and English Literature which is without a doubt the sunshine in our universe! Oh, alright I’ll cut down on all the flowery language and deal with the facts! It’s me, Shakin’ Bill; playwright extraordinary and creator of the play Macbeth. I happen to think that it’s undoubtedly one of my best, but you won’t think that as you are studying it for your GCSEs. I’m here to make it all simple and clear for you so that you can get a brilliant level in the examinations. So, no waffle or excessive language; to the point Shakin’ Bill, to the point!


Why write it?

Simple – In 1603, England had a new King – James I, who was also the king of Scotland (James VI). If I was to be able to carry on writing my plays I had to interest the King in them! So, I included several of the things that interested him in the play (pretty cunning I hear you say!). I also needed the money!

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